Are you haunted?

PPI has you covered, with the necessary equipment to rule out everyday anxieties so that you can hone in on legitimate supernatural activity if present.

With an academic interest in the paranormal and supernatural, my goal isn't to make money by selling fake hauntings, but to dig deeper and find the real ghosts.

I don't carry a ghost box, I do not use stone tapes, and I pay attention to the readings that I take so that I can rule out the more mundane and potentially dangerous causes of suspected haunting experiences, such as carbon monoxide poisoning or the physiological effects of electromagnetic frequencies on the human body.

Ruling out those potential sources of unexplained activity ensures both that anyone present is physically safe and that I can do my job more effectively as a paranormal investigator. After all, if your haunting isn't caused by hallucinations or your microwave, then it might just be real.

While I don't charge any exorbitant fees to civilians*, if you have a few dollars to spare, or want to give me a box of cookies or something, I would certainly appreciate it. I also have to schedule investigations on days I am not on-call at the funeral home, so my availability may be limited. Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions about scheduling, availability, or services not covered in the FAQ.

*Corporate entities and businesses must pay a contracted fee of $15/hour.

Contact Me


This website is a work of metatextual fiction.
(See FAQ)

No contact information is provided.


  • EMF monitoring
  • Carbon Monoxide detection
  • Audio and video recording (motion and noise detection, infrared) (works without wi-fi)
  • I also have regular handheld recording equipment
  • Ambient air temperature measurement
  • Last rites (I am an embalmer's apprentice)
  • Able to enter abandoned locations or areas without power or lighting if notified in advance